Government silent Auction ideas Sites – The Why, What and Where!

The best scariest haunted house might be able to dramatically change your benefit auction into the hottest event of the year. Some people spend big money on tickets to haunted houses. Adding an experience like this will increase the value of the tickets to your charity auction event and get more attention for the benefit of your cause.

There is a famous haunted house in New silent auction item ideas York known as the Balloon Manor built completely out of thousands and thousands of balloons. All the proceeds from the tickets are given to a local charity. The event creates so much attention that even Martha Stuart and other celebrities have shown up for the fundraising event. Your charity auction could greatly benefit from the publicity generated by more unusual events.

Classes for fundraising auctioneers teach that guests attending benefit auction events have become much too familiarized with how things are done. They almost feel like a robot, just going through the motions of the event because most benefit auctions do the same old thing in the same old sequence. Charity auction guests can assume they will enter the event and pay the ticket price. First, there will be silent auction items around to bid on while they chat with friends and have a few drinks. Then, it’s time for dinner, the live auction, and possibly entertainment at the end.

Why not change things up? How about designing a haunted house raffle event so that guests can go through a haunted house that you have designed with the volunteers? You could hire someone who has built a local haunted house in your area. Many of these guys usually have another job and build these huge dramatic outrageous haunted houses as a side job and would love to have an opportunity to get involved in your event. They could give you a lot of ideas on how to plan for this event.